Math Solver- A micro-service for advanced math.

Math Solver- A micro-service for advanced math.

What is Math Solver ?

It is a Web application made using Newton Api. Newton does anything from numerical calculation to symbolic math parsing. This is the main link of the newton api in which we can add the type of operation and the math expression to find the answer.

☠How does it work?

Send a GET request to newton with a url-encoded math expression and your preferred operation.

Get back a JSON response with your problem solved.


This is a webapp basically for all kinds of people. As a student, we use calculator very often and we have been carrying the scientific calculator to where ever we go. But due to the pandemic, most of us would have left our calculators at the hostel. And looking at the situation where all our classes are conducted online but the requirement of the calculator has not changed, many are buying new calculators or borrowing from others. This webapp will help everyone, like students or any working professionals. This will help everyone.


We can perform all these operations..

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🎀Upcoming Features

We are planning to add Telegram and Discord bots which will help to solve the math problems in one line.

💻Tech Stack

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🏷Github Repo link

🔖Live Demo link