How to Attach and Mount an EBS volume to EC2  Instance

How to Attach and Mount an EBS volume to EC2 Instance

Mount an EBS volume to EC2 Instance

Step 1: Launch an EC2 Instance

Screenshot 2022-07-16 111733.png

Step 2: Create a new Volume, Confirm the Availability Zone from the Instance Created and select the same in the new Volume.

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Screenshot 2022-07-16 111905.png

Step 3: Select the created volume, Click on Actions and select the “attach volume” option.

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Step 4: Select the ec2 instance from the instance text box and Select Attach Volume.

Screenshot 2022-07-16 112601.png

Step 5: Connect your EC2 instance

Screenshot 2022-07-16 115650.png

Step 6: Use the following command to shift to the root user.

Sudo su


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Step 7: List the available disks using the following command, here you can also find the disk you attached to your instance.


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Step 8: Format the volume to the ext4 filesystem using the following command.

mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdf

Screenshot 2022-07-16 121126.png

Step 9: Create a directory of your choice to mount the new volume.

mkdir /new-volume

cd /

cd new-volume/

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Step 10: Mount the volume to the “new-volume” directory using the following command and check the disk space to validate the volume mount.

mount /dev/xvdf /new-volume/

df -h

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Automount EBS Volume on Reboot

By default on every reboot, the EBS volumes other than root volume will get unmounted.

To enable automount, Follow the steps given below to automount the EBS volume to ec2 instance.

Step 1: Open the "fstab" file

vi /etc/fstab

Step 2: Make an entry in the following format.

/dev/xvdf /new-volume ext4 defaults,noatime 1 1

Screenshot 2022-07-16 131423.png

Step 3: Execute the following command to check if the "fstab" file has any error, If the command shows no error, it means the "fstab" entry is good.

mount -a

Screenshot 2022-07-16 131813.png

How To increase the size of the volume?

Step 1: Visit the volumes section, Select the required volume and click on "Actions" and select "Modify Volume" . Increase the size and click on "Modify".

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Screenshot 2022-07-16 132921.png

Step 2: Go back to the console, and enter the following command to resize the volume.

resize2fs /dev/xvdf

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Step 3: To check, if the volume is successfully increased. Enter the following command.

df -h

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